# Migration

# Migrating to v2.0.0

# Breaking Changes

Make sure to also read the Chart.js v3 migration guide (opens new window) since you may be impacted by more general breaking changes due to this new Chart.js version.

# Explicit Plugin Registration

As described in the getting started, it's now required to manually register this plugin when building using module bundlers:

import {Chart} from 'chart.js';
import ChartStreaming from 'chartjs-plugin-streaming';

# Default Options

The plugin default options are now accessible in Chart.defaults.plugins.streaming.* instead of Chart.defaults.global.plugins.streaming.* and can be modified using:

Chart.defaults.set('plugins.streaming', {
  duration: 20000,
  // ...

See Getting Started › Configuration for details.

# Time scale override

Due to historical reasons, auto-scrolling was enabled for not only 'realtime' scales but also 'time' scales in the previous version. In version 2.x, auto-scrolling is enabled only for 'realtime' scales.

# Transition Mode for Update

When you append data outside the onRefresh callback function, chart.update() needs to be called explicitly. To avoid interrupting the current animation, the previous version provided support for the preservation config property for the update function, but it is no longer supported.

Chart.js v3 introduced the transition mode argument, and this plugin now supports the 'quiet' mode for this purpose.


See Data Feed Models › Pull Model (Polling Based) - Asynchronous for details.